user 14

user 14


Engineer, Musician, Photo/Videographer

Hi folks! I'm an Engineer by profession -- I design computer systems, soup to nuts (architecture, circuits, PCB), these days mostly for rugged mobile communications. Outdoor networks used for all sorts of things.. even the National Football League! For fun and sanity, I play guitar and write the occasional song ......

(قراءة المزيد)
  • Former Sr. Computer Engineer (still bleeds Boing Balls!) at Commodore/Amiga

    1933 - 2015
  • Former Sr. Computer Engineer (still bleeds Boing Balls!) at Commodore/Amiga

    1933 - 2015
  • Former Sr. Computer Engineer (still bleeds Boing Balls!) at Commodore/Amiga

    1933 - 2015

مواضيع يتابعها "user 14"

عناوين يستعملها "user 14"

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القرآن الكريم في عهد النبي والصحابة

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معنى مكة لغة واصطلاحا

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كيف أصبح الإسلام بعد الهجرة؟

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إسلام آل ياسر وتعذيب المشركين لهم